It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self

REWIND: Evolving Beyond Survival to Thrive in Pursuit of Achieving Purposeful Goals and Self Actualization

February 08, 2024 Hazel Brown
REWIND: Evolving Beyond Survival to Thrive in Pursuit of Achieving Purposeful Goals and Self Actualization
It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self
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It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self
REWIND: Evolving Beyond Survival to Thrive in Pursuit of Achieving Purposeful Goals and Self Actualization
Feb 08, 2024
Hazel Brown

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Rewind on Episode 4: Embark on a transformative journey with me, Hazel Brown, as we scale the heights of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and unlock the secrets to personal fulfillment. Picture yourself surpassing basic survival to achieve a life brimming with purpose, connection, and the sweet taste of success that comes from reaching goals that truly resonate with who you are and aspire to be. Our latest 'It's the Human Experience Podcast' episode is your roadmap to understanding how to cater to your foundational needs and leverage them as a springboard for self-actualization. I illuminate the tightrope between security and ambition, sharing stories and strategies on how to set goals that are not just castles in the air but deeply intertwined with your innermost desires.

Goals provide a sense of direction, however without a clear framework on how to pursue them, you may find yourself in a planning phase with no execution.

Join us as we walk through how to set goals & successfully attain results like a PRO!

Main Topics

  • What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs explained
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs levels
    • Self-actualization
    • Esteem needs
    • Love and belonging needs
    • Safety needs
    • Physiological needs
    • Basic needs
    • Human needs hierarchy
  • How to set SMART goals
  • The important of focus
  • Delayed Gratification and how it creates discipline & results


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Rewind on Episode 4: Embark on a transformative journey with me, Hazel Brown, as we scale the heights of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and unlock the secrets to personal fulfillment. Picture yourself surpassing basic survival to achieve a life brimming with purpose, connection, and the sweet taste of success that comes from reaching goals that truly resonate with who you are and aspire to be. Our latest 'It's the Human Experience Podcast' episode is your roadmap to understanding how to cater to your foundational needs and leverage them as a springboard for self-actualization. I illuminate the tightrope between security and ambition, sharing stories and strategies on how to set goals that are not just castles in the air but deeply intertwined with your innermost desires.

Goals provide a sense of direction, however without a clear framework on how to pursue them, you may find yourself in a planning phase with no execution.

Join us as we walk through how to set goals & successfully attain results like a PRO!

Main Topics

  • What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs explained
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs levels
    • Self-actualization
    • Esteem needs
    • Love and belonging needs
    • Safety needs
    • Physiological needs
    • Basic needs
    • Human needs hierarchy
  • How to set SMART goals
  • The important of focus
  • Delayed Gratification and how it creates discipline & results


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to it's the Human Experience Podcast hosted by Hazel Brown, A healthcare leader, wife, mom and career coach. If you're big on authenticity, personal development, perseverance and transparency, you're in the right place. Join Hazel each week as she shares stories and drops some gems, or talks to successful professionals and business owners who've agreed to share the parts of success that typically gets eczed out on social media, Because that's the part you need to see and hear the process. Go ahead and subscribe. You don't want to miss out on these transparent stories and discussions that reveal highs, lows, aha moments and nuggets that will help you to grow and glow.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey. You are now tuned into the it's the Human Experience Podcast. Y'all like that. That just sounds wonderful. Listen. If you are not following or subscribed to us, go ahead and do that. Also, be sure to write a review or rate us after listening to the episode. It gets us in front of more people.

Speaker 2:

Today we are going to be talking all things goal setting, leveling up and accomplishing our goals and, of course, for me it made sense to start off with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you haven't heard about it, it's more of a psychological principle or theory starting at the bottom our basic needs and evolving and growing from there to where we get to like self-actualization, to where we're focused on things like goals. So I'm going to start there and jump into the episode. Welcome, welcome, let's go ahead and get it. So, when you're thinking about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, thinking about it as a pyramid, our basic needs being at the bottom and progressively moving up towards the top of that pyramid, or triangle, if you will we want to start off by realizing that our most basic need that we all have in common is really that physiological need for survival food, water, shelter, sleep. We all have these things in common. Once those things are satisfied, then we're moving on to things like safety. We want to feel secure, we want to feel stable, we want to feel like there's no harm. And so the next, once we feel safe, we're thinking about love, that social connection, just belonging. And so you'll hear people make comments like I don't care what anybody thinks or I don't need people. And according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, that's false. We all have that need for belonging and social connection. Right. Moving on from love, the next need is esteem, and so that's more about your self-esteem, feeling respected, having the recognition, feeling good about who you are.

Speaker 2:

Once you've mastered those four stages, at the top it's self-actualization, it's a need to be in pursuit of your personal goals, to be able to grow, to have creativity, to feel fulfilled in your potential. And so I wanted to start there in terms of why this episode is important. Because once you've mastered the basic need for survival food, shelter you feel safe, you're feeling the social connection, the belonging. You have the respect, the recognition and the self-esteem. Your next piece is going to want to feel fulfilled. You're going to want to feel like you're tied to your purpose, you're going to want to grow, you're going to want to be creative, and that's natural and normal according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I wanted to share that theory with you before I jumped into the smart goals.

Speaker 2:

So if you listen to episode three and you already know that, I went through a phase in my life where I had to embark upon therapy to figure out who I wanted to be when I grew up at this point I've already gathered my degrees, worked in my career, moved up into high titles and still felt like, oh my God, like why don't I feel fulfilled? It's because I'd already accomplished my basic needs and I had moved into the self-actualization phase and needed to better understand what my purpose was in order to feel fulfilled and get the clarity that I needed. Moving on, when we think about self-actualization and just our pursuit for personal growth and development, I really want you to think about how goals provide that sense of direction, motivation and purpose. Studies show that individuals who set specific or smart goals right and I'll put a link to a smart goal list that I have but it helps you to perform better and achieve more than most people will just because you have smart goals.

Speaker 2:

So I thought that it was really valuable that we really start with smart goals, as opposed to just creating goals, just like shooting from the hip and saying this is what we need to do. I wanted to give you something actionable that you can use to really move forward from this episode and really work on being your best self. Goals really just helps you to decide what it is you want to achieve in life. It helps you to understand where what you need to focus your time and energy on.

Speaker 2:

You think about self-identity, and most people don't like being on a hamster wheel. They don't like going through every day it being the same and not understanding why you're doing the things you are doing. So that's why that purpose-driven piece and that self-identity piece becomes so important, because it helps us understand why we're doing the things that we are doing and it just provides motivation for life. It just helps you to really move forward in the right direction. And I think it's funny, and I think the reason I laugh is because it gives you motivation to move on. But it requires a lot of motivation to stay on course as you're working on your goals. So when you're thinking about setting goals, you want to make sure you identify a goal that you want to achieve, and so with that, you're going to set a clear goal that's specific, and then you're going to break it down into smaller steps, because that's what's going to help you to stay motivated and it's going to cause you to not feel so overwhelmed. And what I mean by that is sometimes when you're creating goals like say, for instance, I want to open a business, or I want to get a degree, or I want to get married or I want to whatever the goal is for you, right. A lot of times, if you don't create the step by step breakdown of smaller incremental goals, you're going to feel overwhelmed. You're going to feel like, oh my god, this is a tall stack. How am I going to do this? And you don't want to leave yourself feeling paralyzed and unable to move forward From there. You want to make sure that you're creating a plan, you're identifying the resources and support that you're going to need. You're going to have to create a schedule to hold yourself accountable, right? Because if you just say I want to lose 50 pounds in 30 days, listen, I wish it was that easy. You wouldn't, you won't. I would do it like tell me how right, but separate from that. If it was something to where it didn't seem realistic to begin with. When we think about smart goals are and it needs to be realistic. If it's not realistic, then you're going to understand your internal compass. It's going to be like child stop playing, aware who, how. I'm not a fool, I'm not even doing it. Find somebody else to do it. And you don't want to create those negative thoughts internally to where you are setting yourself up to fail and subconsciously, the limiting belief starts because you're like there's no way I can do this. And so you want to make sure that, as you're working through those small goals, those incremental goals, that you're taking action consistently, realizing that you know they say slow and steady wins the race. You're realizing that those little sayings are not just cliche, they're true. And then you want to prioritize those steps in order of importance. It's very important double envy. It's very important for you to make sure that you're being present while you're working on those goals. Right, you're understanding that everything you're doing every single day is helping you to become sharper. The process of the progress is helping you.

Speaker 2:

I want to sit here for a second because I am so guilty of this. All the time, every stage in my life, I have been guilty of this. What I mean by that is so many times we are looking at the bigger picture that we forget to look at the TV in front of us. Right, you're so focused on your long-term goal that you're not giving yourself credit for everything you're doing every single day. You're not getting into the weeds enough to be mindful to say, wow, look at me two weeks ago, look at how far I came. Two weeks ago, I didn't even know how to tie my shoelace. Now I put it on, I could tie it. It looked clean. I don't figure out how to use different techniques and designs where you're just focused on I'm still wearing sneakers. I don't have the sneakers that I want, but you can't do that to yourself. You have to constantly beat your cheerleader, your encourager, so that mentally you don't become discouraged and you remain motivated to move forward in terms of accomplishing your goals.

Speaker 2:

The next piece that I want to cover staying focused, not just being motivated. Staying focused. They have this saying about people looking away at shiny objects and noisy things, and that happens to so many people. They find the next end thing to be able to focus on that pulls them away from their initial goal. And so if you have not accomplished your first goal through consistency, through perseverance, discipline, then how do you think you're going to be able to accomplish your new goal? I'm sure I said it in episode three Everything is the same. How you do one specific task, that's typically how you're going to handle a different situation, and I really want you to focus on that, because if I get discouraged in my business, then if my kids are not doing what it is that they're supposed to do, or my relationship is not going the way I want it to go, or my weight loss is not going in the direction that I want it to go, I'm going to get discouraged and I'm going to throw in the towel. So there is a piece of resilience, perseverance and discipline and delay gratification that needs to come in place in order for you to realize that you have to stay on course with your goal if it's truly your goal.

Speaker 2:

Now, like I said in episode 3, if you are looking over your shoulder and you're watching someone else's race and you did not have your blinders on and you're not even sure that this is what you should be doing from a clarity perspective, then absolutely pause time out. It's time to figure out what I need to do before I move forward in accomplishing goals. Like no, we're not accomplishing goals for the sake of accomplishing goals. When we talked about my self-hierarchy of needs, we talked about how important it was to get self-actualization. If we're talking self-actualization, it can't be something where you were looking over your shoulder trying to figure out what someone else is doing. It has to be fulfilling for you, and so, if it's something that's fulfilling for you, you have to identify what that is before you move forward with the plan in terms of setting your goals and work you want accomplishing those goals.

Speaker 2:

So, if you're having a hard time figuring out whether your goals are truly your goals, really tap into episode 1, where we talk about unlocking your potential. Let's pretend that you are certain that these are your goals, that you're working on right, and I want you to sit in delay gratification this is something that's often not discussed a lot. Right, you talk about creating your goals, being consistent, showing up every day, being disciplined and all the things. But delay gratification is a concept to really understand that you need to have the ability to resist immediate rewards and focus on the long-term reward. Right, it's going to help you to develop that discipline, that perseverance.

Speaker 2:

I can get this right now and this will feel good right now, but you have to understand that, while it's very important for you to celebrate your wins, those incremental goals, when you meet those incremental goals, it's important to celebrate yourself, to make sure that you're rewarding yourself for all of your hard work, but please, please, please, make sure that you're picking rewards that align with your long-term goals. What do I mean by that? Say I'm trying to lose weight, and I am so. That's why it's an easy goal to talk about. It makes no sense that after I lose 20 pounds, I'm like girl let's go get some dairy clean.

Speaker 2:

Why? I'm trying to save money. Say my goal is to save $5,000 a month and I'm like, oh my God, that Gucci bag just dropped, I'm gonna buy that. I've been really good, I saved $10,000 this month. I'm gonna reward myself and go buy a $7,000 bag. How does that align? You're taking two steps forward and one step backwards. We're not doing that. Your goal is going to be something that really helps you to propel in terms of accomplishing your goal, while at the same time, giving yourself that mental clarity and your mindful in that moment, enough to reward yourself and to say, hey, girl, you did a good job, you deserve something special. You know what? Today, let's not even focus on saving. We're not gonna watch no videos on saving. We're not even gonna open a book about saving. We are going to relax, watch your favorite TV show, honey. That is how you would reward yourself in a way that makes you feel valued, versus doing something that's gonna push you off the ramp for the goal that you've been trying to work towards accomplishing Kind of rewinding a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I love rewinding. Clearly We'll drink and do that in life Too bad, we can't. But anyways, listen when we're thinking about where we're trying to go in life. I really need you to realize that nothing about goal setting is rigid. You have to be very flexible. You want to track your progress, you want to make sure that you're staying motivated, and you can do that by reading success stories, surrounding yourself with positive people, supportive people, all the things right. But being flexible is very important. You need to be fluid and adaptable.

Speaker 2:

There are gonna be unexpected obstacles that will arise or gonna be unexpected opportunities that you're like yes, give me that. But you want to understand that, as you're going through the stage of accomplishing your goals, that it is all a process as you progress, right, and so when you're being mindful in that process, you're gonna understand that there are some components when we think about episode three when I'm not perfect, right, perfectionism is not gonna stop me from accomplishing my goals and moving forward in the right direction. So as you're going through working on your goals, there are gonna be things that come up where you're like hey, I didn't think about adding this to my course, I didn't think about wearing weighted weights around my ankles, I didn't think about getting enough rest, because it's very important for me to remain healthy and sane. So there are gonna be things that come along that you'll have those aha moments where you have to pivot a little bit in order to be able to level up right. That pivot is in the level up. I had my blinders on, I was in my lane, I set these goals, I was doing all the things and this thing just kind of came to put a dent in everything. You have to have a growth mindset. You can't be fixed to where you feel like this was not according to my plan. This is not meant for me. You weren't perfect. No one's perfect. So there are things that's going to unfold right in front of you and it's going to be your emotional intelligence that really helps you to stay on course and understand that. Yes, it wasn't expected. There's something that I'm supposed to learn from this that's going to help me get to the next level.

Speaker 2:

If you have listened to episode one, two or three, you know I am big on faith, so I definitely feel when we think about purpose, it's definitely tied to God, our higher power, higher being all the things, whatever it is that you call it, for me, it's definitely God, and so, being that, my purpose is driven by him. I know that that's where that alignment stems from, but, because we're not perfect, I may have thought that these were the steps that I needed to take in order to carry out that goal, that mission, that plan, that, whatever the case, may be right, but over time, I am exposed to different people, different educational material, and I realized that my thought processes had evolved due to me being exposed to more things. And now, as a result of being more evolved, it's time for me to grow in terms of how I'm moving through the process of accomplishing my goals. And so I spent a lot of time on that, because I feel like that's where people get caught up. It's like, oh my God, it's not going the way I plan for it to go, it's going slower than I plan for it to go. The reality is, you don't have that crystal ball that's telling you exactly how long it's going to take to stand up that goal. Nothing is specific to you.

Speaker 2:

I want to share that, to say that hold tight into that delayed ramification in terms of personal development, in terms of your perseverance as you move through some of the things that you are going to grow through. That is going to help you advance and get to where you need to be, and that is the goal is that you are growing and growing and becoming a better version of yourself every day. Listen, don't give up on yourself. Don't even think about it. There are moments in the process that you're going to feel like, oh my God, I cannot be bothered.

Speaker 2:

But I want you to remember that you can't give up. You cannot do that to yourself. You are so deserving of the best life for yourself. You will grow and become the best version of you. Listen, if you found this episode valuable, go ahead and hit the follow button. Definitely, let's a review, because we really just want to provide more value, more impact, so it really helps us just know that we're touching lives and we're making a difference and I say we a lot, when it's really just me, but I refer to myself. I can three persons like me, myself and I and us clearly now choose a four person, and I'm not even a Gemini, I'm a Leo, so it's a whole thing, but any who will see you all the best.

Speaker 1:

We hope you caught all those gems. So here for all of it. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss a gem. Write a review so that we know to keep bringing you episodes like this, and check us out online at it's thehumanexperiencecom to keep up with us. Keep growing and glowing. Catch you on the next episode.

Achieving Goals and Self-Actualization
Flexibility and Growth in Goal Setting