It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self

39. Get Unstuck: Crafting a Future Fueled by Dreams and Driven by Resilience + Gratitude

January 25, 2024 Hazel Brown
39. Get Unstuck: Crafting a Future Fueled by Dreams and Driven by Resilience + Gratitude
It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self
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It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self
39. Get Unstuck: Crafting a Future Fueled by Dreams and Driven by Resilience + Gratitude
Jan 25, 2024
Hazel Brown

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Failing by just one point isn't just a number; it's a lesson in resilience and a springboard to living with intention. That's exactly what happened to me with my life insurance exam, and it's a story that epitomizes the transition from feeling stuck to pursuing a life filled with zest and purpose. This episode peels back the layers on why we often find ourselves in a rut, weighed down by the fear of failure and a lack of clear direction. It's a candid exploration of how to break free and make choices that resonate with our true passions, rather than succumbing to the siren call of financial gains alone. Sharing personal anecdotes and hard-earned wisdom, I'm here to guide you through transforming your daily grind into a purpose-driven adventure.

As we enter the realm of gratitude and dreams, prepare to be uplifted. This conversation isn't just about recognizing what's already great in your life; it's a bold call to action to rekindle the dreams of your younger self and cast aside society's limiting expectations. You'll uncover the profound impact of nurturing a solution-oriented mindset and the essential steps to connect with a future brimming with fulfillment. Stepping into your power as a dreamer, we rally together, encouraging you to trust in your journey, bet on your capabilities, and take definitive steps toward the aspirations that stir your soul. Remember, victory is deeply personal, and it all begins with the courage to believe in yourself.

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Failing by just one point isn't just a number; it's a lesson in resilience and a springboard to living with intention. That's exactly what happened to me with my life insurance exam, and it's a story that epitomizes the transition from feeling stuck to pursuing a life filled with zest and purpose. This episode peels back the layers on why we often find ourselves in a rut, weighed down by the fear of failure and a lack of clear direction. It's a candid exploration of how to break free and make choices that resonate with our true passions, rather than succumbing to the siren call of financial gains alone. Sharing personal anecdotes and hard-earned wisdom, I'm here to guide you through transforming your daily grind into a purpose-driven adventure.

As we enter the realm of gratitude and dreams, prepare to be uplifted. This conversation isn't just about recognizing what's already great in your life; it's a bold call to action to rekindle the dreams of your younger self and cast aside society's limiting expectations. You'll uncover the profound impact of nurturing a solution-oriented mindset and the essential steps to connect with a future brimming with fulfillment. Stepping into your power as a dreamer, we rally together, encouraging you to trust in your journey, bet on your capabilities, and take definitive steps toward the aspirations that stir your soul. Remember, victory is deeply personal, and it all begins with the courage to believe in yourself.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. It's the Human Experience Podcast Hosted by Hazel Brown, a healthcare leader, wife, mom and career coach. If you're big on authenticity, personal development, perseverance and transparency, you're in the right place. Get ready to be uplifted, inspired and empowered as you become fearless in pursuit of the life you desire and deserve. Our goal is to help you level up by creating a safe space to learn and reflect, while listening to transparent stories from our host or successful professionals and business owners who've agreed to share the parts of success that typically gets x'd out on social media, because that's the part you need to see and hear the process. Go ahead and subscribe. You don't want to miss out on these transparent stories and discussions that reveal highs, lows, aha moments and nuggets that'll help you to grow and glow.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey. You are now tuned in to the it's the Human Experience Podcast. I'm your host, hazel Brown. Today we are going to be diving into all the things. I always say it's all the things right, because that's what we talk about here on the podcast. If you're new to the podcast, please go ahead and hit that subscribe or follow button. Make sure that you're following us so that you get updates when new episodes are released. If you haven't already rated the podcast, please go ahead and give it five stars, leave a comment and let us know your takeaways, what kind of things you want us to talk about. Share it with your bestie. Don't be selfish. Listen. Make sure that you're sharing the gem so that we can grow and glow.

Speaker 2:

To be clear about what we're talking about in this episode we're really talking about how to move out of the mindset, from feeling stuck, and how to grow into your highest self, and so when I say that, what I'm referring to is the other day I was thinking. When we're kids, we're like, oh my God, I can't wait till I'm 16, because we think that's going to be an adult. Somehow it's not. We quickly learned that right as we've grown. But then we kind of think through I can't wait till I move out, I can't wait till I get a mansion. That was me. I was always talking about getting a mansion. Listen, we talk about things like now we're in college and we're thinking I can't wait till I graduate. Despite that being four years later, we're thinking about that job. Right. So we're long term thinkers and visionaries at a young age and I feel like what happens is, as we get older, we're thinking about I can't wait till Friday, what? What about enjoying your life every day? But the mindset becomes I can't wait till Friday.

Speaker 2:

And when you're really feeling stuck and in a rut, you're making comments and saying things like I just need to get through the day. Guys, if you're in a space where you just cannot wait to get through the day not because maybe today is day one of your first day doing something or you have a lot of things to do and you can tell that it's going to be an overwhelming day like that's different. What I am talking about is your everyday mindset is I just need to get through the day. I want to help you move away from that and really analyze what might be going on in terms of where you are with your mindset when you're feeling stuck. You're often feeling stuck for several reasons, so we're gonna start there.

Speaker 2:

Whether it's lack of direction or purpose, maybe you're just unclear about where you want to go, what you want to do, whether it's because there's so many things to do, because listen, there is. There's so many opportunities and things someone can do with their life. So oftentimes people get stuck in just trying to make a decision about what direction I want to go. And I'm gonna sit there with you a little bit because I want you to recognize that, though the opportunities are endless, you really need to take some time to reflect, put pen to paper and decide, like, what feels right to me, what lights me up when I do it, those are the things you want to consider pursuing. You never want to consider pursuing things for the sake of money. Money will come, no matter what it is that you do, especially when you enjoy it and you're all in right. You're playing full out. You're doing whatever it takes to light it up and make it happen, despite what barriers come in the way. Moving on from that that fun, one right.

Speaker 2:

Fear of failure is often a reason why people feel stuck. They don't want to move because, oh my god, what if I fail? Guys, so what? So what if you fail? I'm gonna share something personal.

Speaker 2:

I actually took my life insurance exam, maybe about a month ago at this point, and I fell by one point. In that moment I was like girl, not coming back to my real estate experience. I'm not feeling this, but guess what? I had to recognize and reflect on what went on, like my studying pattern was not where it needs to be because, listen, I know how to cram. I know how to cram and I definitely crammed that one, but I was studying more for, like, the California test, because that's the information I had in some of the YouTube videos I was watching around it. So it was the wrong material in terms of, like, trying to cram and get the material in. But separate from that, I have a lot of other things going on, whether it be my business, the conference that I have coming up called Workplace Therapy, women's Empowerment Conference, shameless Plug in Las Vegas on March 23rd of 2024. So if you're a local, definitely make sure you come out. If you're not a local and you live, like, right there in LA or in Arizona or up in Utah, whatever the case may be, come on out Like it's gonna be an amazing experience. We have like dynamic speakers and all the things. Alright, I digress, getting back into what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to really make sure that you understood that failure happens but you can't beat yourself up because you fail. You have to analyze why you fail, learn from it and move forward, and my goal is to make sure that I set out a full week before March to be able to go ahead and retake the exam. But I had to prioritize my priorities right. I have so many things that I'm doing. Everything is not a priority and so sometimes users shift things around. But you don't give up, you don't stop. You keep going and understand that failure means that you're trying something new. It means that you're going. It means that you're not just kind of sitting in your safe space Like commend failure, because that means you're doing something.

Speaker 2:

To not fail Means you're simply just sitting there with status quo, tv on, I don't care, day by day, just kind of letting life pass you by, and I'm not saying some days or weeks won't be to the point where you just kind of relaxing your mind. That is something completely different, but I wanted to make sure you understood, like get out of the space of feeling like, oh my God, I don't want to fail. If you're human and you're trying, you don't fail. It's going to happen sometimes and it's okay. Take that unnecessary pressure that you're putting on yourself off and grow into your highest self. You can't grow if you don't fail. That's where you learn. That's where you better understand your strengths. That's when you better understand how to make better decisions going forward. It is definitely a winning place when you do things, regardless of the outcome.

Speaker 2:

It is making sure that you're continuing through the process that matters. I'm gonna keep going. Right, we gonna put that mic down. Mic drop, mic drop. I wanna move on to routine, because sometimes it's just that every day feels the same and just like, oh my God, no new opportunities are out there. Guys, that's a mindset shift. You have to remember that the decisions that we make every day are choices. So if you feel like you're just tired of the same old, same old, shift it up a little bit. Wake up earlier, go to the gym. Wake up earlier, read a book, Wake up earlier, meditate, go to sleep a little bit later. Don't throw your pattern off too much, because if you listened to the previous episode, you understood all about sleep hygiene. But make sure that you're doing something different. Take yourself to lunch, take yourself for a pedicure Lord knows I need one. Oh, oh, say a prayer for that.

Speaker 2:

But listen, I want you to make sure that you are taking some time to really analyze how you can move yourself out of a situation, moving into some other things that could be creating a problem for you, to make you feel stuck. It's just maybe your relationships are not fulfilling, like they're not pouring enough. The reciprocacy is not there. For me, it's all about deep connections. No shallow, nothing Like I recently post something about how, like I drown in a shallow end. I do like my connections have to be deep. Our conversations have to be deep, like we're gonna analyze life and really talk about our evolution as people. Guys, you have to better understand, like, what fills you up when it comes to your relationships and what doesn't, and move away from the things that are weighing you down, because that, again, is a decision. It could also be like the perception of limited resources, and I use perception because we've talked so much in this podcast about all of the resources that are available to you If you step out of your comfort zone and just open your mouth and share hey, I'm really stuck over here, I studied the wrong material for my tests and like, where do I find the right material?

Speaker 2:

All it takes is opening your mouth. You can literally make a post. You can Google, like there's so many ways to come out of your way and I want you to get out your way. Get out of your way Also those negative thoughts. Let's not forget that Sometimes you're making things up in your head as you go. You're telling yourself you're not enough. You're telling yourself you're no good. You're telling yourself you can't do it. Guys, you have to be careful of how you talk to yourself.

Speaker 2:

Give yourself grace. When you find someone that's perfect, child, you have won the lotto. Like, take them in. I don't know who you're gonna bring them to, but take them in because you have found an anomaly that does not exist in this world. No one is perfect. I need you to give yourself grace and be okay with failing and hitting the floor. Sometimes. It is a part of life.

Speaker 2:

I want you to recognize that while we're thinking about feeling stuck, it could be like external expectations that are being put on you from society, maybe your friends, your family, or you're putting on yourself, and if those expectations are not helping you grow, it's not helping you feel whole, then let go of them. The only thing that matters is making sure you're being true to your authentic self and if, in those expectations, you're feeling some kind of stuck, it's because you know you could be doing more. Then really analyze why you're not doing more and then make a decision to move. When I say move, move into the things that you know you're capable of doing, make that decision. That is really what it takes is a decision to move forward in the direction that makes the most sense to you, and I want you to do that. I don't want you to hold yourself back, guys.

Speaker 2:

Burnout is the last thing I'm gonna talk about when it comes to feeling stuck and you can feel stuck just cause you're doing too much. Listen, I told you I was doing a lot too much. You're doing too much and it has you being pulled several different directions. Reanalyze your priorities, really try to figure out what is important in this season, in this month, in this week, and focus on that. Then then reprioritize and re-strategize and focus on what's next. We definitely don't want to overthink, overcomplicate things, create limiting beliefs for ourselves and be the reason why we're not where we need to be, but where we know we're deserving of being.

Speaker 2:

Three simple ways that you could easily try to work on in terms of trying to get unstuck and become your highest self are things that I try to do daily. I just wanted to share it with you being we're in a new year, a new season, a new chapter, a new evolution of our lives. I don't want you to feel like man time is going already. We're already moving along in this new year and I haven't done the things that I thought I was going to do. I want you to understand how to help to move you along and get you to be able to do some of those things.

Speaker 2:

I think the biggest one that I want to sit in is practicing gratitude. It's making sure that we've reflect on all the things that we're doing right and has gone right and that we appreciate in our lives. Let's start there. Being able to say, hey, I tried. Hey, I'm capable. Hey, I have a loving family. Hey, you know, I've come a long way. Those simple things that we could do for ourselves. To remind ourselves who we are really helps us stay grounded to understanding what we're capable of doing.

Speaker 2:

Shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. That's what that practice and gratitude really means, and I want you to do that for yourself. I want you to show up for yourself. Of course, we're going to talk about making sure that you're focusing on solutions instead of focusing on your problems, because, guys, too many times we're doing that right. We are in the midst of the rut and we're like, oh my God, I can't do this because I don't have this Again, that lack mindset. Oh my God, I can't do this because this is going to be a prop. Stop, don't do that to yourself. Figure out how to do it. That is the differentiator from where you are now and where you're destined to be Making sure you find solutions to your problems. I don't know the answer to this. I'm going to search it. I'm going to open my mouth. I'm going to talk to someone about it. I'm going to make sure that I get out of my way and work on the first step to becoming the person that I know I'm destined to meet. Guys, I am not going to hold you in this episode.

Speaker 2:

This is expected to be a short episode to really help you dive in to becoming your future self. I always tell you, the future you is starts with you, and I want you to understand how true that is. The future you starts with you in order for you to start it in a way that you're going to appreciate the person that you're becoming. Making a decision to get out of your way, figure out what's holding you back, talk yourself off the cliff, talk yourself off of that negativity and remind yourself who you are.

Speaker 2:

Go back to that five-year-old who dreamed of what their lives would look like. Go back to that child who couldn't wait till they got their mansion. Go back to being a dreamer. Don't let life's problems stop you from becoming, because what I've realized is we are heavily programmed Programmed into thinking that our glass ceiling is after high school. Oh my God, when I graduate high school, I'll be an adult and that's it. And then now you're dreaming for Friday. You're dreaming for the end of the day. Go back to dreaming for something greater.

Speaker 2:

High school, an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, a doctor's degree or having a job that pays you six figures, is not glass ceiling. Glass ceiling is living a life that is purposeful, fulfilling and makes you feel whole. Don't let all the programming make you feel like it's time to stop. It's expected to be that way, because if your focus is on graduating from high school, from college, getting a nine to five, making sure that you're making six figures, you are fulfilling someone else's dream. And I'm not saying go start a business. What I'm saying is for you to remember that that dreamer within you wants to come out. It wants to go out and have a good time. It wants to go back to art. It wants to go back to the things. That makes it feel whole.

Speaker 2:

And until you make the decision to become the dreamer that you once were and to break away from all of society's programming, then you're going to continue to feel stuck. Make a decision for yourself today that you are enough. You want the dreamer in you to come out. You're going to bet on yourself and do it for the future. You, as always, remember the future. You. It starts with you. I am rooting for you. I want you to win. You want you to win. Go make it happen.

Moving Out of a Stuck Mindset
Power of Gratitude and Pursuing Dreams
Choose to Be the Dreamer