It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self

50. Embracing the Unknown and Owning Your Greatness: A Journey to Unlocking The Future You with Hazel Atkinson-Brown

April 04, 2024 Hazel Brown

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Unlock the visionary within you with Hazel Brown on the Human Experience Podcast, where we delve into the power of purpose-driven living and self-discovery. As we embark on a journey together, I'll guide you through aligning your inner perception with the external world's view of your abilities, creating a harmonious path toward your life goals. This thought-provoking episode isn't just another conversation; it's a revelation of how a small yet influential group of visionaries can profoundly impact society. Ready to identify your strengths and channel them into a fulfilling life? Let's weave through the intricate process of self-realization, one visionary step at a time.

Feeling like you're walking a solitary path in your quest for innovation? You're not alone. Today's episode peels back the layers of the often-misunderstood life of a visionary, addressing the underlying sense of loneliness and our unique place in the world. With less than 3% of the population sharing this trait, we'll explore the significance of this rarity and the responsibilities it carries. Join me, Hazel Brown, as we grow, glow, and unlock our potential, embracing the communal journey of being true visionaries in our own lives, without a guest to distract us from our personal reflection. Together, we will forge a future bright with possibility and purpose.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. It's the Human Experience Podcast Hosted by Hazel Brown, a healthcare leader, wife, mom and career coach. If you're big on authenticity, personal development, perseverance and transparency, you're in the right place. Get ready to be uplifted, inspired and empowered as you become fearless in pursuit of the life you desire and deserve. Our goal is to help you level up by creating a safe space to learn and reflect, while listening to transparent stories from our host or successful professionals and business owners who've agreed to share the parts of success that typically gets X'd out on social media, because that's the part you need to see and hear the process. Go ahead and subscribe. You don't want to miss out on these transparent stories and discussions that reveal highs, lows, aha moments and nuggets that'll help you to grow and glow.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey. You are now tuned in to the it's the Human Experience podcast. I'm your host, hazel Brown. I wanted to talk to you guys about vision. I know you're probably like vision, hazel. Really, we're talking about vision.

Speaker 2:

I think it's so important that we talk through the concept of being a visionary, being an innovator, I think. For me, I've self-identified as a visionary, if you will, and I've been told many times that I'm very forward thinking. And so, after the conference, I started to really try to make sure I understood what a visionary was by definition, if you will, and then also tying in the concept of being told from a trend perspective, that I was forward thinking. And when I looked up the definition, it said the ability to think imaginatively or creatively, foreseeing the future developments before they become apparent to others. Forward thinking, being able to see what could have an impact on society. And so it's funny because when we talk about reflection, alignment, using your gifts and going through and really thinking about how other people identify your strengths, I realized in that moment to say that I'm walking in my purpose, to say that I am doing the things that I should be standing up, was clear, because it truly aligned from my thoughts and how I see myself, but also in how others see me, and then looking at the definition and tying them together. And the reason I wanted to start there in the episode is I want you to do that for yourself. I want you to identify trends in the way that you show up in the world, in the way that people describe you, so that you can figure out what your true gifts are, because that's going to help you to determine where you should be headed in terms of direction on your quest to fulfillment, living in your purpose, standing up your goals and just loving on yourself and using the gifts God gave you.

Speaker 2:

Before we go further in that, I do want to share that. If it's your first time tuning into the podcast, go ahead and scroll up to the top and hit that follow button. Subscribe just based on where you're listening to us from. You'll have either option If you are a return listener hey, hey, thanks for tuning into the podcast. I am so excited to welcome new listeners, return listeners, and to continue to dive into the episodes. I will say, if you're a new listener, it really does make sense to go to the start of the podcast, because the way that they're created is a build up on top of each other, in the sense of us growing together, and so when you start from the end, you're kind of towards the end of the journey, if you will, for that moment depends on how life lands for us, but separate from that, it really doesn't help you evolve over time. And so I wanted to make sure that I share that, because I really love the idea of us growing together, us getting sharper together, us being enlightened together, us standing up our goals together and making sure that you realize that we are on this journey together.

Speaker 2:

Going further into what I was talking about in terms of reflecting on being a visionary, what I had to unpack after the conference was that being a visionary sometimes feels lonely and separate from it. Feeling lonely, I wanted to really understand like why is that a thing right? And when I look up the statistics around the percentage of visionaries, I realized that it shows that visionaries and innovators make up 2.5% of the human population. Like guys, that is less than 97%. Like wow, like 97% of people should that's how I should have communicated that 97% of people a little over it are not visionaries or innovators. And so when you feel alone in the things that you're trying to stand up and the things that you're trying to do, know that statistically, there's some backing behind it. So you're not like delusional, like being delusional. What does it say? Like being the Lulu is the Salulu. It is not something that you're making up in your mind. It's an experience that you are going through, based on just statistics and human nature over time.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why I wanted to touch on that you're probably like Hazel what is the significance, what's the importance? You typically don't give us fluff. Why are you starting there? And I want to start there because when you understand that, I think it's important that you kind of look what are the other 97% of people in the world? And when we break that down, 13.5% are early adopters. These are people willing to embrace change. And the reason this is important I'm going to sit in that because if you're a visionary and you're trying to create something, you're trying to innovate something. Many times the only people that will buy into what it is that you're creating are those 13.5% of people in the population. So sometimes you may feel like, oh, my God, I'm opening a business or I'm doing this new thing or have these new thoughts, but no one really sees where I'm coming from. Well, honey, you only got 13.5% of people that you haven't even had the potential of being able to embrace the change, and so when you think about that, I want you to mentally set yourself up for success in understanding that if in the human population, there's only 13.5% of people that will be open to these new ideas, that is who you need to be talking to, not 100% of people, because it just statistically doesn't exist right.

Speaker 2:

Going further, 34% of people are early majorities Once you've tried it out before. They've gotten some feedback. They've seen your Google reviews. They've seen your content. It shows like, for example, the conference that I've held recently. They see people in the room. 34% of them are now added to your pool, where they're like okay, it looks like it was a good time. It looks like maybe people will show up. It looks like I'm not the only one Listen, I'm not going in that space by myself and there's no people like those. Now, 34% of people have been added to your pool.

Speaker 2:

So when you think about it, we're at like what 47% of people that innovators and visionaries are speaking to after you've done it, after you've proven yourself, and so that's not even 50% of people in terms of, like, the human population that you have to be able to target, because, technically, you're not going to be targeting the 2.5% who are creatives and innovators, because they're doing their own thing, they're in their own lane Right. And so I wanted to share that because I want you to be encouraged. I want you to understand that you're going to get those late majority late because that's just how they are programmed, that's how they're wired. They have to see it a couple of times. That's, you know. They talk about, like even social media marketing and how people need to see it seven times. Those who are late majority, which makes up for another 34 percent of the population. They need to see it seven or 10 times. And then you have the laggards, the last group of people. They haven't seen it a million times. They done saw the hurricane, the earthquake and they still don't believe it. They think it's a conspiracy.

Speaker 2:

I share that to say we cannot change the way that human design exists in this world. And so what you have to do as you're working towards, whatever it is that you're working towards I want you to take some time and do some research. I want you to take some time and understand the statistics behind things, understand the data, understand the way that we are wired and programmed, before you start beating yourself up and feeling like you can't do it. Before you start beating yourself up and thinking it's you, it's personal. Oftentimes it's not you, oftentimes it is just what it is and I wanted to openly say that because, as I've said in the past, these last few episodes have really been about providing you nuggets, mindset shifts and helping you be able to withstand the journey and to be able to stand up your goal. And in order for that to happen for you, we have to really talk the true ailments that you're going to have to go through, the true journey that we are facing every day as we go through our goals. I think one thing that I want to share as we go deeper in this thought process, especially with these conferences and networking events that I do, even through my career coaching program and my career coaching, clients typically ask me around like how to get to the next step, and then, through these experiences and conferences, we're sharing gems and nuggets, but I feel like the biggest differentiator with personal development and professional development is with professional development. People are more concerned about how you put the address in the GPS and the directions in which you can follow to get there. With personal development, people are not looking for the directions for how to get there they are looking for.

Speaker 2:

When I get to Main Street and a car crashes into me and I get flipped over three times, how do I still stand up? How do I still know that I'm going to get a new car? How do I know that that car is going to be even better? How do I know I'm going to meet the right people in that crash? How do I know that God is intentional in everything that he does? How do I still keep going despite the fact that after I got the new car, I got a divorce? After I got a divorce, my big toe fell off.

Speaker 2:

People want to understand mentally. How do I withstand the challenges and keep going? How do I embrace the fact that I'm going to have to go through some stuff to get to the end of the finish line? And I think that that's the biggest differentiator between my career coaching program and my podcasts and my networking events and conferences. And community is helping people to get the mindset shifts to understand that you're not alone.

Speaker 2:

This stuff was created far before us. There are things that are within our control and there are things that are statistically proven and we are not going to be able to change those things. So once we understand the way that things are set up and we learn not to take it personal, we can actually personally develop and get to standing up our goals. We can get out of our way and not in your way. When you're using your gifts, when you're being your authentic self, when you're trusting the process, when you're helping others win, when you are showing up every single day despite the triumphs of getting ran over, flipped over and all the things, and you're encouraging others to win, I am encouraging you to win. I'm encouraging you to go after your goals and realize that you have what it takes.

Speaker 2:

I always tell you, guys, that whenever things are rough for me, I take a nap. I'm encouraging you to take a cat nap. I'm encouraging you to keep going and know that you are going through the human experience and whatever it is that's in your heart to stand up, you can absolutely do. Go ahead and reflect, take some time out if you need it, but just don't fall. Don't give up on you. You deserve to win. You are amazing. You were created because you have potential. You have gifts that you need to pour and I don't want you to break your cup, drought your cup, or whatever the case may be, just because things are hard. I need you to rinse that cup out, fill it up and know that you are deserving to live the life that you are destined to live and be the person that you're destined to be. Keep growing, keep glowing, keep betting on yourself.

Speaker 1:

We hope you caught all those gems. So here for all of it. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss a gem. Write a review so that we know to keep bringing you episodes like this. And check us out online at itsthehumanexperiencecom to keep up with us. Keep growing and glowing. Catch you on the next episode.