It's The Human Experience: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Your Authentic Self

62. Achieving Your Goals by Improving Your Money Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Patience, and Persistence with Hazel Brown

July 25, 2024 Hazel Atkinson-Brown

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What if your beliefs about money were the key to unlocking your highest potential? Join me, Hazel Brown, as we explore how a money mindset profoundly shapes our emotional intelligence and ability to achieve our ambitions. In this episode, you'll discover why emotions like fear, guilt, and shame often dictate financial decisions and how overcoming these can lead to a more positive and abundant outlook. I share my personal perspective on money as a necessity for living yet not the ultimate motivator, highlighting the importance of discipline, patience, and emotional resilience in the pursuit of your financial, career, and life goals.

Next, we tackle the virtues of patience and persistence, essential ingredients for long-term success. Through a personal anecdote about preparing for a conference, I'll illustrate the balance between continuous effort and allowing things to align naturally. This story reveals the importance of trusting the process, vocalizing intentions, and working diligently towards your goals without letting fear or the need for immediate results derail you. Additionally, we'll explore the concept of working from spirit versus flesh, emphasizing genuine fulfillment and alignment in your endeavors. Tune in to uncover how patience and persistence can lead to lasting accomplishments.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. It's the Human Experience Podcast Hosted by Hazel Brown, a healthcare leader, wife, mom and career coach. If you're big on authenticity, personal development, perseverance and transparency, you're in the right place. Get ready to be uplifted, inspired and empowered as you become fearless in pursuit of the life you desire and deserve. Our goal is to help you level up by creating a safe space to learn and reflect, while listening to transparent stories from our host or successful professionals and business owners who've agreed to share the parts of success that typically gets X'd out on social media, because that's the part you need to see and hear the process. Go ahead and subscribe. You don't want to miss out on these transparent stories and discussions that reveal highs, lows, aha moments and nuggets that'll help you to grow and glow.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey. You are now tuned in to the it's the Human Experience podcast. I'm your host, hazel Brown. How are you? Welcome to the podcast? If it's your first time tuning in, welcome back. If you're a return listener. Regardless of which, I want to make sure that you are following the podcast. If you are not already, scroll on up to the top and hit that follow button. When you're done listening, make sure that you leave us a comment, reach out on Instagram at it's the Human Experience or Redefining the Future. You Either way, I respond. I love when you guys hit me up in the DMs, tag me and all the things telling me your takeaways. I am so here for it.

Speaker 2:

Today, we're going to be talking about the money mindset, the role it plays in emotional intelligence and the way that we show up for our goals and in the world, and so, before I jump into the topic, I wanted to define, based on Google right, what a money mindset is, and then I'll talk about my perception of what a money mindset is. So, according to Google, a money mindset is your unique set of beliefs and attitude towards money that influences your financial decisions. We all know emotions play a large role in our decision-making ability. When it comes to fear, guilt, shame, envy, all the things right. It could be fear of having little money, not having enough money. It could be guilt from spending too much money, not saving enough money. Shame from not having the financial backing that you should. Based on where you are, your financial motivation may be off. There are just so many things to think about. Well, you can overcome some of your different limiting beliefs and triggers or traumas around money, and for me, money is definitely not a motivator for me. I don't know, I'm not related to money, not related to money For me. I am just not motivated by money. I love money in the sense that I need it to pay my bills, I need it to be able to enjoy my life. I need it because they require it right. Everywhere we go. They have a price tag associated with something and so, as a result, money is necessary. But we all have a certain relationship with money and it's just so important that we start to talk more about what our financial goals are and what our relationship with money is.

Speaker 2:

When I think about what a money mindset is, I look at it as my way in how I show up for my goals, the way I show up for myself, the way I show up for my family. Those all, to me, embody a money mindset. I look at having a money mindset of not letting anything stop me, in the same way that money is printable. We all have access to it, we all can make it, we all can make more of it. There's an abundance around it. I understand that. My goals, my ability, my gifts, the way in which that I can grow as a person is abundant also, and so just really making sure that I don't limit myself in terms of what it is I could accomplish, where it is I can go, what it is I can make, and all the things.

Speaker 2:

But with that comes a sense of discipline, patience Ooh child, patience, like you have to have the patience while you're trying to go after your goals, whether it's money goals, career goals, relationship goals. You know I'm a listed out life goals, all the things. It requires discipline and patience, and so really thinking about that is just like super important, because as you're on your quest to working towards whatever goals you're working on, a lot of times things won't happen right away and you'll hear all these sayings about how things don't happen overnight and good things take time and all the things, but when you're going through it like you like, oh, come on, how much time is too much time. But I really want to remind you that that discipline through emotional intelligence is so important. And I'm not talking about the physical endurance, I am talking about the emotional resilience that you have to have as you're working towards your goals and understanding that if God gave you the vision, like he is too intentional, like he didn't give it to you for nothing. So if you have a financial goal, you have a life goal, a career goal.

Speaker 2:

Whatever the case may be, you have to remember something that I said early on in the podcast episodes that good things take time, but good things taste better when they marinate, and so we often think that things are supposed to happen right away. We all often think that, you know, tomorrow or next week could potentially be a long time, but when we talk about like seasons and all in which things actually happen in terms of plans, in terms of fruit, in terms of simply having a baby, like, all of it takes time and we are just so quick to want things to happen expeditiously and that's not how it happens. It takes time. Your goal is going to take some time, and it is okay. The financial goals, the life goals, the life you're dreaming of and working towards rewind and working towards is going to come to fruition because you're continuing to work the plan. You're continuing to work your dream, and so, alongside that, I really just wanted to talk about the patience, the endurance, the mindset that you have to have in order to really stay on course.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to give you an example. Actually, like recently, as I was prepping for my conference, I was looking at a certain set of speakers and I reached out to them and they said that they were busy, and something in my spirit said yeah, they said they're busy, but, guy, you told me that they're the people for you, and so I could have said something to them along the lines of hey, I really want you to be a part of this event. I really think you'll be great for it, despite the fact that I had told them that already. I could have just been more eager, I could have been more steadfast in terms of being persistent, but I am strongly a believer in the fact that God is too intentional and he is leading the way, so if he gave me the thought for someone to be a part of it and I'm working from spirit, I'm not working from flesh to where I just think that person should be a part of it then I know that God is going to bring them back to the table if they're meant to be a part of it. If they're not meant to be a part of it, then they won't be.

Speaker 2:

And so it's funny that I spoke with this person over the phone. They told me they were busy. We talked about some other things that I'm like oh, maybe that's why God brought me to this person, because this is some good information. And then that same night I thought to myself man, it would be good if they decided that they're going to be a part of the event. Despite the fact that they said they're busy in my mind, it still crossed my mind again right, and this is not being greedy, this is not being insensitive to what they have going on, this is simply a vision that I'm seeing, and I understand that this is what he wants to happen, while at the same time I realized that I'm not the one to push it to make it happen. And so the following day they reached back out to me and said hey, actually we're going to be able to do it. And I'm thinking to myself in that moment wow, it is absolutely crazy that it just worked out in the way it was supposed to work out. And actually it wasn't just the conversation we had on the sideline as to why he geared me toward that person. They actually were supposed to be a part of this event, and so I just always find it interesting in the way that God works from an intuition perspective.

Speaker 2:

Our intuition is so much attached to our emotional intelligence because when we get to a point where we don't force things, we don't give up on our goals, right, we don't just say, oh, it's not meant for me, but at the same time, we know the difference between working from flesh and working from spirit. So we are not over here trying to force a square into a circle. We're not doing that. We're not shaving off the sides, we're not trying to make it fit and it's all awkward. No, we're going to let things happen how they're supposed to from an alignment perspective, but we're not going to be the reason that we're not getting the goals that we want accomplished and the way that I'll break that down because I know that seems very generic in how I described it For me.

Speaker 2:

I am not going to make somebody do something they don't want to do, right, but I'm going to vocalize my intentions, I'm going to vocalize my needs, I'm going to share the importance of what I'm thinking and then it's going to be on them to be able to say, hey, you know, this aligns with what I have going on, but I'm also not going to. This is how this is different and that's why I'm explaining it this way. I'm also not going to know I want something, know something's important to me, and have shame or fear of looking stupid, fear of someone saying no, fear of it not working out, be the reason why I don't share what it is I want, be the reason I don't go after what it is I want. I am completely fine with going after what I want, communicating and vocalizing what it is I want, working for what it is I want, and if it does not work out, it's just not aligned, it's not meant for me, while, in the same token, there's a big difference between not saying anything, not doing the work, wanting it and it not working out. You won't know if it could have worked out if you don't put in all the effort necessary. Communicate all the things to all the right people. Do the research in terms of who's the right people for all the things, whether it's a financial goal, a life goal, a career goal, a relationship goal, whatever goal, all the goals.

Speaker 2:

I need you to make sure when people say get out your way, you understand what that means. It means doing everything in your power to make something happen, because you took the steps, you took the action, you communicated, you did everything seemingly possible for it to work out and when it works out, it's because of your action. That is aligned to what God wants for you, versus when you just sit down in the sideline, don't communicate because you're concerned with shame, you're concerned with fear, you're concerned with guilt, you're concerned with ego and what it will make you look like if it doesn't work out. All those things will keep you away from from accomplishing the goals. When I think about a money mindset, I'm thinking it is abundant, it is available, I can absolutely accomplish it, I am deserving of achieving it.

Speaker 2:

Whatever the goal is right, I need you to understand that you have to develop a money mindset and also make sure that you're embracing emotional intelligence to understand that when you put in the work, you're out your way, you're communicating your needs and you're putting in the effort necessary, then things will happen how it's supposed to. And it's making sure you don't have a scarcity mindset or a fixed mindset to where you think there's not enough for you. You think other people are more deserving of it. You think that, oh my God, I can't, because no one else has. Whatever your relationship with money and life goals look like, because oftentimes the way you look at one piece of your life is the way you look at other areas of your life. If you don't think you're deserving of money, you typically don't think you're deserving of a great relationship of love, overall a good life, and I don't want you to have that mindset. I want you to have that growth mindset, that abundant mindset in knowing that you can, if you will get out your way. You will. If it's aligned for you, god will make sure things work out better than you can ever expect it. Like I can tell you story on top of story on top of story, and I will tell you.

Speaker 2:

The theme is that I was not the reason things did not work out. I did what I needed to do. I communicated what I needed to communicate. I didn't care how it made me look, I didn't care how somebody else perceived it. I made sure that I asked for what I needed and I worked for what I needed so that things can work out. And for me, that is the way that I want to continue to live my life, because, knowing that I am the kind of person where it's like God, take the wheel, but I'm going to put my foot on the gas too. Honey, you guide me by taking the wheel, god, you are directing me, you are going right and left, you are doing the things that need to happen on that wheel, but I'm going to put my foot on the gas. I'm going to make sure that if you tell me to break up because I'm going too fast, I'm going to do that. If you tell me to speed it on up, I'm going to do that. If you tell me it's time for a break, whether he tells me or I tell me, honey, we're going to. Let's reel that back, because if he taking too many sharp turns, I may need a nap, but rest assured, I'm going to get back up and I just want to make sure that I'm transparent, I'm open and you are getting back up.

Speaker 2:

You are developing that money mindset and going after your goals. You are knowing that there is no difference between you and anyone else. You are deserving of the life that you know you desperately want to live and I want you to get out your way. Communicate your needs, go after your goals, stop making excuses for yourself, develop that money mindset and know that they print money. Opportunities are endless.

Speaker 2:

I will tell you from being a career coach, working in HR, doing empowerment events and all the things and meeting people all over, what people are constantly looking for are genuine people who know who they are, are rooters, who are showing up as their self, wanting to make a difference in the work that they do and in the lives of other people.

Speaker 2:

And I don't care what industry you're in, I don't care what you do for work, I don't care where you are in the world. The main thing that people want is to feel heard, seen and valued, and people want to be around other people who are genuine, who are willing to put in the work. They don't have to look over their shoulders and just having those characteristics, you're one step closer to being where you want to be so. Work on personal development, work on your emotional intelligence, work on understanding that I don't care what you've been through, what you're currently going through. You can get through If you are willing to get out your way and make it happen for your future self. I am rooting for you, rooting for you. I want you to root for you, because God's already rooting for you. Now go, make it happen.

Speaker 1:

We hope you caught all those gems. So here for all of it. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss a gem. Write a review so that we know to keep bringing you episodes like this. And check us out online at itsthehumanexperiencecom to keep up with us. Keep growing and glowing. Catch you on the next episode.